L.R. Baggs

LR Baggs pickups started in an LA Loft in the 90s and have swiftly become a favorite of boutique guitar makers - Tacoma guitars had them and you'll see Anthems shipping in Goodalls and other high-end guitars while many of their StagePro series pickups can be found in our Breedloves and other instrument brands.

Baggs pickups and DIs are generally very transparent in tone and remarkably feedback resistant and our staff loves the fact that when you get on the phone with the company to order something, half the time the individual you're chatting numbers with has also been wiring the pickups, or had a hand in designing them.

An innovative and agile company, LR Baggs is ALWAYS trying something new - and if you already love the sound of your instrument and just want it to be LOUDER, check out their Anthems and Lyrics: feedback-resistant microphone-based amplification systems! We install the systems and many of our staff play them as well - and if you're looking for something with a non-invasive install, many of their pickups require almost no cutting or drilling at all!